Thankful for Safe Travels
Last weekend we traveled to Hope (where I am from) to visit with my 92 year old grandmother. That is all the family I have left down there so I only go down around Christmas. I haven't seen my best friend from junior high and high school in years. Probably in 8 years at my wedding shower and I stopped in Wal-Mart to grab a quick gift and BOOM - there was the only person I would want to see - Jennifer! I am so happy I got to run into her. It truly made my trip. She looks exactly the same - she's the kind of person that glows and lights up and immediately makes you smile the second you see her. She has a beautiful family and I just adore her and love her to death.(I swear we have 100 pictures like this - but they weren't called "selfies" back then)
We spent the day with my grandmother which is always so special then drove to Little Rock where we spent the night and Brighton was thankful she got to swim for a while. She is like a little fish. She hasn't gotten to swim since September, but I am incredibly impressed with the skills Mrs. Patti Cox has taught her in 2 years. I've already started harassing her for this upcoming summer.
We then woke up and went on to Dennis' family in Pine Bluff. We had a wonderful visit with them. We spent time with his sister, her husband, two nephews - Jayce and Cameron, his mom and dad. It was filled with laughs for sure. We stayed for quite some time, went to eat Mexican food and then headed back late. We always do this whirlwind of a trip, but we do get to see Dennis' family much more throughout the year.
Until Christmas . . . .
As we waited for Christmas to arrive, we baked cookies, Brighton was Mrs. Claus in a play and she spent time with Daddy being home on vacation and took every advantage to sneak off to Grandy's that she could. That child LOVES to be with my mother any chance she can find. She is a Grandy's girl. Finally SANTA came! I really haven't seen Brighton come out of her room much since!
A Little "Mini-Me"
Dennis had to do a little work this morning so I had the brilliant idea I was going to take the Christmas tree down and surprise him! As I unscrewed it from the trunk and it was loose, I realized this wasn't such a great idea. There I had a 7.5 foot tree dripping water onto my carpet that probably weighed as much as me and there was no turning back now! What did little B do? She grabbed my phone and started snapping pictures! Silly girl!!!
Can't wait!
As I was sitting here tonight reading my Sunday School lesson I thought how much I can't wait to be back at church tomorrow! We missed on December 8th due to the church canceling because of snow, then on December 15th I was baptized but missed Sunday School because of B having the stomach bug and last week we were traveling around the state! Oh, how I am homesick for our church!
See all of you soon!
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